Dear, Readers

Mau ngebahas gimana cara melihat ala Thoreau?
Tertarik diskusi bukunya bapak Dostoevsky?
Atau malah Machiavelli?
Atau ngediskusiin gimana misalnya kita hidup jadi seekor serangga?

Ngga sih. Ngga tertarik buat bahas buku model gitu kayanya.
Jangan ekspektasi bakal dapat ilmu disini, kalau mau sih baca sendiri. Aku udah cukup pusing setiap kelar baca tulisan mereka, jadi ngga ada tenaga lagi buat diskusiin kenapa Gordon bisa segitu begonya, apalagi harus ngejabarin kenapa buku Noam Chomsky tuh harus banget dibaca. Honestly, reading for pleasure is my go-to activity; it's all about the joy of a good story rather than an intellectual overload. It's the kind of reading where you're not trying to cram your brain with information but rather letting your imagination run wild with every turn of the page. It's the escape into worlds unknown, the thrill of adventure without leaving your comfy chair, and the laughter from a witty line that makes you forget the world for a while. That's the beauty of reading for fun—it's a blast without the brain-bust. 

Jadi, di bagian ini, aku bakal menulis sesuatu yang mungkin terlihat tidak penting tentang buku-buku yang baru saja aku baca - depends on my mood - but I'm gearing up to dish out some book recommendations, sprinkled with a dash of critique. Buckle up for a literary ride that's as enlightening as it is entertaining! Stay tuned for the good, the bad, and the quirky from my bookshelf. HIYAAAAAAA.

Apologies, but my mood seems to have gone on a vacation without me. I've been hopping from one book to another, shelving each as quickly as I picked it up. Time to write? The desire? The starting point? All missing in action! So, bear with me, this could very well conclude with a grand total of zero posts. My sincerest regrets.

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