Again - about life

Just a month ago, I was a sprightly 17-year-old, and a few days back, I hit the big 2-0. Now, suddenly, I'm 25! Time flies, or maybe I'm just a time traveler who hasn't figured out her powers yet. Everything around me is changing at warp speed, but here I am, feeling like my soul's got its feet stuck in cement at a particular moment in time, refusing to budge. It's like the world on this epic treadmill of change, sprinting away, while I'm that one person who's still lounging in yesterday's fashion. 

Life has a funny way of showing us its pace. Just when I thought I had the hang of it, a friend of mine zoomed past me, swapping her textbooks for a wedding album and then, in what seemed like a blink of an eye, a baby album! It's like one day you're throwing your graduation cap in the air, and the next, you're catching a bouquet or a diaper bag. How do they do it? Does our government have an express baby-delivery service we don't know about? It's astonishing, the speed at which some people sprint through life's milestones. I'm just here, trying to tie my shoelaces.

Initially, I felt like I was stuck in the same spot, not progressing like my friends. It almost made me question if there was something off about how I've been steering the ship of my life. But then it hit me – I'm not in some race against the rest of people, am I? I didn't punch my ticket to life expecting a marathon. I'm just here to cruise at my own pace, waiting for that boarding call to the great beyond. It's like those 'what if' thoughts that pop up now and then. And you know what? I'm content just getting a glimpse of the possibilities, even if I never get to claim them as my own.

When you're scrolling through social media and start feeling like you're lagging in the race of life: remember, it's not a sprint, nor a marathon—it's more like a leisurely stroll through the park. We all have our own paths, sprinkled with unique milestones. One person might be doing the wedding waltz at 25, while another could be having their ultimate 'Game Over' moment. Meanwhile, someone's celebrating their 30th with a newborn, and another's just tossing their graduation cap into the air. Turning life into a competition is like adding a teaspoon of regret to your morning coffee—it leaves a bitter aftertaste. If we're always measuring our blooper reel against someone else's highlight reel, we're bound to miss out on the joy of our own story. So, let's not let the comparison game spoil the fun; after all, who wants to live life on a perpetual treadmill?

Feeling stuck is just an illusion, a bit of paranoia that creeps in when we least expect it. But here's the truth: we're all on the move, even if it doesn't feel like it. Progress isn't just about leaps and bounds; it's about those tiny, snail-paced steps too. So what if the world seems to be zooming by at jet speed? Walking at our own pace is perfectly okay. There's no race to win, no finish line to cross first. It's all about enjoying the journey, one slow, steady step at a time.

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